Congrats to our May Star of the Month for the 2023-2024 school year, Jade! Jade is a seventh-grade student at Evergreen Middle School in Metamora, OH, who has made consistent progress in Read Live. Here is what Jade's teacher, Ms. Nofziger, had to say about her:

Jade should be chosen as Star of the Month because she consistently works hard whenever she is using the Read Live program. She stays focused and completes stories in a very timely manner. She has made great progress over the past couple of years, moving from stories at level 3.5 to 4.5. In January 2023, she read 87 wcpm at level 3.5. A year later, January 2024, she read 108 wcpm at level 4.5! Her comprehension scores have stayed in the 80%+ range. I am very proud of her!

Way to go, Jade!

Do you have a star student like Jade? The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Nominate your star student today to win prizes for both student and teacher, as well as special recognition!